We think digital

Just like our clients, we always want to be a step ahead and to be unique. Using our skills and experience across industries, we hand over all our digital knowledge to the client. We are committed to creating innovative digital products from scratch to scaling.

We are a company powered by innovation and driven by hard work.

Meet the team

Radek Hübner

Miloslav Martinek


In technological and telecommunications companies, Slávek devoted himself to finance, management, planning and service development (Eurotel, Aliatel, Český telecom). After a successful business experience (OPTIMCOM), he focused on financial services and banking (Homecredit). He led financial institutions (Atlantic Financial Markets, Atlantic Asset Management, J&T Services), also act as CIO at J&T Bank. In 2018, he founded the Bee Bang technology incubator, which includes the first electronic Beehypo mortgage auction.

Radek Hübner

Radek Hübner


Radek is an experienced software engineer and head of development for various global innovation projects. As a part of his career, he worked in the USA for ShipMonk where he managed multiple aspects of the software technology stack. He is a tech co-founder of Bedigi. He helps our partners set up a development strategy, choose the right tech stack, and manage the development department. In addition, he focuses on reducing the time to market and product costs.

Team leaders

Radek Hübner

Milan Vlk


Radek Hübner

Kryštof Palme

UI/Brand design

Radek Hübner

Christina Mei Hicks

UX design

Radek Hübner

Alex Hlinka


The goal

Create an innovative digital product for our client. We follow 4 stages of cooperation according to the client's wishes:

Concept icon
Lab & conceptThe Need
Testing icon
TestingThe Challenge
MVP icon
MVPThe Solution
Utilities icon
DomesticationThe Result

Want to start a new partnership with us?

Get in touch.